

可回收 Recyclable 不可回收 Unrecyclable



可回收物 [网络] recyclable; [例句]然后一种特殊的设备将不可回收物分解。And a particular piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables.



回收油漆英文:Recycle paint回收英文:retrieve; recover; reclaim; recovery recuperation; callback ;油漆英文:paint; oil colour; cover with paint; lead-and-oil oil paint ;
你可以上各个油漆平台 比如阿里 慧聪 环球经贸等等!!点击求购就能出现一大片回收旧油漆的!!你也可以在这些平台发布供应废旧油漆的信息!!会有很多人跟你联系的!!



recycle 如有其他问题 欢迎来找我 很乐意帮忙的哦~QQ284946780
回收 1.callback2.reclaim3.recycle
callback reclaim都可以的啊!


I found nothing in the room. She was singing at this time yesterday We do not go to bed until we finish our homework does the onion taste very strong? what does she look like ? what is the boy like ? You are so happy to meet me at the airport. 1palace 2 birdge3 the 4 museum 5 restroom
1.I did not find anything in the room.(改为同义句) I found nothing in the room. 2.She is singing now.(用at this time yesterday改写句子) She was singing at this time yesterday 3.We go to bed after we finish our homework every night.(改为同义句) We do not go to bed until we finish our homework 4.The onion tastes very strong.(变为一般疑问句) does the onion taste very strong? 5.She is short.(对short提问) what does she look like ? 6.The boy is polite and friendly.(对polite and friendly提问) what is the boy like ? 7.It is very nice of you to meet me at the airport.(改为同义句) You are so happy to meet me at the airport. 1palace 2 birdge 4 museum 5 restroom

6,How to behave politely英语作文 怎么写

How to behave well?As a student in Yibin, we should behave well. First, I think its very important to do everything on time and keep promises. Never lie to others or say dirty words. Next we should be polite to others and ready to help people in need. Then wed better not talk loudly in public. Dont throw litter or spit about. And remember to obey traffic rules.Finally, learn to work with others. We need good team work in our life.
many people do not behave themselves in public places. they talk loudly, litter freely, jump queues, and ignore traffic regulations. some even scratch in tourist attractions, leaving marks on scenic spots.it is important to behave politely in public. on the one hand, uncivilized behaviour in public places causes trouble. it brings inconveniences to others, pollutes the environment and makes one unpopular or even disgustful. on the other hand, when one behaves well in public, he can always win friendship and respect from others. therefore, he is more likely to succeed in the fierce competition.in order to create a harmonious society, we all should behave ourselves in public. as the chinese saying goes, ”dont do to others what you do not want to be done to you.” if we were all considerate and behave well in public places, this world would be a better place to live in.

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