

Waste separation and recovery



recycable可回收 non-recycable 不可回收


3,垃圾总该进回收站的 用英文该怎么说

rubbish should always be put into the recycle binrecycle bin是英文的“回收站”
garbage recycling station

垃圾总该进回收站的 用英文该怎么说


recycle bin
recycle bin希望有帮到你,记得采纳哦。

5,翻译回收报废成本翻译成disposal cost可否

disposal cost 可以用,但需要联系上下文,它含义广泛,可以指一切“处理成本(费用)”,财务上还可指“清算费用、出让费用等”。个人建议用 recycling cost,这样指向更明确些。您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。
回收报废成本Recycling scrap cost 你那句英文翻译过来是~清理成本。你看中文自己理解看可以不?再看看别人怎么说的。
可以disposal cost基本翻译措施费用;[会计] 清理成本网络释义Disposal cost:处置成本 | 措施费用 | 清理成本


英文原文:Recycling is a good way to help reduce pollution.英式音标:[?ri??sa?kl??] [?z] [?; e?] [g?d] [we?] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [help] [r??dju?s] [p??lu??(?)n] . 美式音标:[?ri??sa?kl??] [?z] [e] [ɡ?d] [we] [tu?t?] [h?lp] [r??d?s] [p??lu??n] .
white pollution refers to plastic pollution. plastic lunch box unrecyclable along the way everywhere. plastic shopping bags are flying in the air. if we continue to use these what will happen? one day, they will we buried in white trash. then the earth -- our home will become a garbage can. to prevent it this dream become a reality,the government should work closely with each other and oral commitment into practice action. at the same time, we should start from their own, a force forenvironmental protection. it has been said that: "only time can control us." peopleseem to use time as a nearly is the real thing to deal with. we budget it, save time, a waste of time, steal time, kill time, cut it, account for it; we also charge for time. time is a valuable resource, many people feel the life is short. time is gone for ever. we should let every minute to count

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